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Data Crushing

Hard drive being crushed

What is Data Crushing?

Hard drive being crushed
Data crushing is a physical destruction technique specifically designed for hard drives. It involves using specialized industrial equipment to bend and mangle the hard drive platters, circuits, and other internal components. This forceful process effectively renders the drive unusable and permanently destroys any stored data, ensuring it’s unrecoverable by any means.

Unmatched Security and Compliance:

Data crushing meets the rigorous standards set by organizations like NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and NSA (National Security Agency). This makes it ideal for businesses and individuals handling highly sensitive data that requires absolute destruction upon disposal.

REDUX: Your Trusted Data Crushing Partner

REDUX offers a comprehensive range of data crushing services to cater to your specific needs. Whether you prefer to witness the destruction process yourself or opt for convenient off-site services, we have you covered.

Our Data Crushing Models

A hard drive crushing machine


This model utilizes a V-shaped crushing technique to ensure complete data destruction of hard drives.
Demolisher V2 Data Crusher

Demolisher V2

Powered by hydraulic force, this machine offers fast and efficient crushing for high-volume processing needs.

Beyond Security: Environmental Sustainability

Crush the data, not the Earth. Contact REDUX today to experience the peace of mind that comes with ultimate data obliteration, achieved through secure and environmentally friendly practices.

4 Processes For Distinct Requirements

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